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Most Common DIY Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

· Plumbing
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It’s so easy to fix minor plumbing issues at home but it’s so difficult to avoid making small mistakes in the process. Most of the time, we often left the problems for ourselves to fix particularly if these problems can be handled by a few tools that we have in our home and a bit of experience and knowledge. After all, we want to save more money than hiring a professional plumber in Singapore to help us fix the problem. As much as possible, we are the fixers of problems inside the household.

But still, we couldn’t escape the inevitability of making the most common mistakes that DIY enthusiasts do. While there’s no problem in fixing one’s problem (as long as it can be handled and managed properly) avoiding falling from these usual pitfalls is a matter between success and failure. Or worse, making the situation a lot more difficult. Here are some of the most well-known, common mistakes that DIY practitioners do when it comes to plumbing.

Failure to shut the water

Whenever you’re going to start fixing a leaky faucet or any sort of common plumbing problems, it’s always a necessity to turn off the water source before you begin your plumbing operation. It is a very easy step and at the same time often forgotten by a lot of us and this can result in a big mess that you don’t want to deal with. So whenever you’re going to start your plumbing work, always ensure that the water source or valve are turned off.

Going without proper tools

It’s easy to underestimate some plumbing tools as long as you know how to ‘fix’ the problem on your own. Perhaps you might have read some guide over the web, you shouldn’t be using inappropriate tools in plumbing. It should always be the right, exact tools to avoid running into a lot more problems and complications. If you don’t have the right tools yet, you can visit a local hardware store or buy one online.

Using mismatched fittings

When it comes to plumbing, there’s always a right fitting for every application. This is an important thing that plumbers often honour and follow. Because when using a mismatched pipe or fitting, it’s guaranteed to fail and leaks would still occur. It should always be the exact fitting ones and avoid mixing them.

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