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Buying a High-Quality Carpet | Is It Worth It?

· carpet supplier sg

If you were to ask anyone how they can make their home warm and cosy without spending so much money, they would answer the same thing—a high-quality carpet. You see, this is not just a piece of fabric that covers your floor, but it also makes your home more appealing. Well, in my case, it does both. It improves the interior design of my house as well as its cosiness.
So, if I ever invited someone, they would not know that I bought this place at an affordable price. Why do you ask? Well, of course, I renovated my home by myself, and I only bought things that I knew matters and what I needed the most. You are probably wondering why I bought a high-quality carpet out of all things, am I right? The truth is, my floor looks ugly. What do I mean by ugly, you ask? Since I bought an old place, its flooring has a lot of scratches. It does not look good, even if you look at it from afar or from a different angle. That imperfection is okay with me, but not to my visitors. If they ever see this, they would think of me differently. Well, of course, I do not want that to happen. I do not want to be an outcast just because my floor looks ugly. Fortunately, what I want is not too far to achieve since I was able to find an exhibition carpet supplier that could provide me with high-quality carpet and installation. Here, let me share with you how I found them.

Searching for a carpet supplier
Well, since I am new in this neighbourhood and I still do not know anyone. So, it took me three months before I was able to start my search for an exhibition carpet supplier. It happens to me a lot since I barely talk to anyone. My neighbours were only able to warm up to me when I called a plumber one month after I moved in. Even though it was hard to believe, that was what happened. The plumber I hired was the one who introduced me to my neighbour. Anyway, thanks to him, I was able to ask my neighbour where I could buy a high-quality carpet. Fortunately, they were all friendly and happy to recommend a few vendors they know.

Out of all of their recommendations, the one I find more interesting was this provider that offers a carpet installation in Singapore. It is called Mill International. At first, I was having trouble believing about their services, but after quite sometimes in my research, all I could see was positive reviews and nothing more. It was then I decided to buy a high-quality carpet from them.

Communicating with their sales
I got to talk with the said supplier, and I was able to confirm everything about what I have researched. Well, thanks to their honesty, I was able to place my trust in them more. Here are some of the things we have discussed during our negotiation.

  • Sustainability
  • Warranty
  • Installation in every delivery

Observing their carpets
Since I will be using this piece of fabric to cover my floor for a long time, I want to make sure it will last. So, I told the said supplier that I would like to see if the fabric has flame retardant as what they have promised in our first meeting. After quite some time, what I have seen was so extraordinary to describe. All I could say was it did not burn. It looked the same way as it was.
After pre-testing their products and installation process, I am expecting that they will do great things once they do mine. So, days after that, I told them to start doing the carpet installation. Well, they did, and it was splendid!

How do we maintain their carpet?
Other than buying a high-quality carpet, I also have duties to accomplish to make sure it would last a long time. So, let me share with you the things that I always do for the past three years that I have been using this rug.

  • Clean it with a vacuum cleaner every day.
    Yes, I do this every day. The truth is, I do this twice a day so that my carpet will have no dust and debris. Sometimes, I even spare one Saturday a month to wash my carpet by hand. It was hard, but it is worth it.
  • Rinse stains right away.

Since I cannot afford to bring this to the carpet cleaning services, I decided to clean any stains right away. I even ask my visitors to do the same thing whenever they spill something on the floor.

To conclude this review, I would like to commend The Mill International for providing me with a high-quality carpet. So, if you ever interested in placing this piece of fabric on your floor, do not hesitate to give them a call!